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The Evolution of AI in Digital Asset Management: Transforming Workflows and Efficiency

Explore how generative AI is transforming Digital Asset Management (DAM) for more efficient marketing content management.
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In its latest e-book, Wedia, a specialist in marketing content management, looks at how AI has developed and its links with Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems. “For communications and marketing professionals, AI had already made its way into their work environment,” recalls Wedia. But what are the current and future uses of these marketing tools, and what are their implications in the digital sphere?

Evolution of AI in Digital Asset Management

What is a DAM?

A DAM is a tool for strengthening marketing strategies by organizing and tracking “a significant amount of content, ranging from images to video and audio files.” DAMs, by connecting to other platforms such as CMS or PIMs, make it possible to centralize the production and distribution of content. These digital content management platforms are proving to be essential tools for marketing professionals, thanks to their constant evolution to incorporate technological advances.

This allows users to maximize the use of their content through a single software platform. This development is explained by the progressive integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into these systems, reflecting the effort of DAM providers to enrich their service and provide the essential tools for effective management of content strategies.

Generative AI to rethink content

With continued advances in artificial intelligence, marketers have quickly grasped the enormous potential of this technology to meet their content creation needs. This is when generative artificial intelligence really rose to prominence, as creatives realized they could leverage this technology to produce content in a faster and more personalized way.

By leveraging generative AI, brands can:

  • Generate various content, such as texts, images, and music, adapted to their values and their message.
  • Improve efficiency by automating content production, saving marketing teams time and productivity.
  • Create high-quality content, like award-winning productions, such as campaigns for brands such as Heinz or Nestlé.
  • Follow trends and guarantee content quality by integrating this technology into their campaigns.
  • Personalize content based on user preferences, providing a tailored experience on the website or mobile application.

Generative AI in the DAM environment

Generative AI has a natural place within a DAM system to significantly improve content creation, explains Wedia. Combining a DAM system with AI results in a powerful tool capable of fully optimizing the content creation process. Generative AI thus becomes a valuable ally, reducing dependence on photo shoots or creative agencies while facilitating the design of personalized resources by marketing and brand teams.

A concrete example is that of Renault Trucks, a Wedia customer. In Renault's DAM, images of the T High (a transport vehicle) are stored and referenced for processing by Wedia's generative AI tool, By recognizing the heavyweight, Renault's marketing team can integrate this vehicle into various imagined content, thereby accelerating the creative process, reducing costs, and allowing greater flexibility in creating visual scenarios.

The Evolution of AI in Digital Asset Management - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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